Page 96 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 96


                     The Long Journeys of Seabirds

                     Living in a number of habitats ranging from polar icecaps to
                 tropical regions, some of these birds migrate great distances. Others
                 make long journeys merely to forage for food. For instance, a male al-
                 batross (Diomedea exulans) does a round trip of more than 15,000 kilo-
                 meters (9,300 miles) in search of food, while his partner is on
                 incubation duty. At first, you may find it hard to believe a journey of
                 so many thousands of kilometers, but some of the larger seabirds
                 travel even greater distances.
                     Seabirds’ migrations are usually dictated by the prevailing
                 winds. Most of them can be described as nomadic. Some seabirds
                 breed along the shores of distant continents or islands. Even those
                               with wide distributions commonly return to the same
                                       general territory and colonies in which they
                                         were hatched and grown up. 28

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