Page 93 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 93
evolutionists assert? It is implausible that any system
able to perceive and interpret magnetism has been
produced by genetic accident. Furthermore, this sen-
sory system is found in animals very distant from
one another on the so-called evolutionary tree, and
so we would have to accept that it developed in each
one as a result of separate mutations. That makes this
claim even more nonsensical. A bird can’t possibly
decide one day to develop a system for sensing a
magnetic field and then install it in its body. Not
even a person endowed with rational intelligence
and knowledge can do such a thing, so it is totally
beyond belief that a bird could bring off such an ex-
traordinary feat.
The reality is, God the Omniscient has created
all living things with their perfect systems. He
knows from the outset what these creatures will en-
counter from the moment of their birth and what
their needs will be, and He equips them with the or-
gans and skills to meet all their requirements. God
has also created the senses letting animals find their
way—an obvious fact that we see in all migrating
creatures. Nothing other than the fact of creation can
account for this and other similar examples in na-
O humanity! An example has been made, so
listen to it carefully. Those whom you call
upon besides God are not even able to create
a single fly, even if they were to join together
to do it… (Qur’an, 22:73)