Page 33 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 33
During the day, the cells composing the cornea are fed with glucose
from the tear fluid and, since the cornea contains no blood vessels, with oxy-
gen from the air. During sleep, however, when outside oxygen cannot pene-
trate the closed lids, the cornea is supplied by the capillaries on the inner
surface of the eyelids.
If this precise balance in the cornea were never maintained, we would
always have misty vision and never know the meaning of clear sight. Safe to
say, the world would be a very different place, looked at it through unclear
eyes. It's amazing to think how much this thin layer of tissue does for us.
The cornea is completely isolated from the body, making it easier for
surgeons to transfer it from one patient to another. A new body does not re-
ject the cornea, because antibodies in the bloodstream never reach it.
An intensely transparent layer, the cornea allows some 98% of light to
pass through, thus approaching the transparency of window glass (Figure
1.10). Of particular note is that the cornea is a living tissue, made up of cells
and constantly fed with glucose and oxygen.
How can a living part of the body be so utterly transparent? How did it
acquire this transparency? Even though we are looking through countless
capillaries and vessels, how is it that we still see the world so very clearly?
From the divisions of one single cell came all the cells in our body, in-
cluding the ones in this delicate, transparent living layer of the eye, in the
rigid bones, in the kidney tissues and in the blood. What is the power that,
with the division of a single cell, can create two structures as entirely differ-
ent as rock-hard bone and a crystal clear cornea? How did the cells differen-
tiate from one another to that extent? Do they possess the faculties of
planning and decision-making to carry out these plans?
Cells, made up of inanimate and unconscious atoms, do not possess
such faculties, of course. It is God Who inspires the cells what to do, to form
various organs and perform a multitude of tasks.
That the fibers and the nerves making up the cornea are so sensitive
again evidences the superior creation. Thanks to a complex early-warning
system, this extremely delicate layer summons the eyelid to its defense in the
event of danger. But how does that happen? Can the cornea cells really have