Page 34 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 34
developed their own life-support system to stay alive, and then made an
agreement with the brain for the eyelids to guard them?
Another miraculous aspect of the eye lies in the shape of the cornea. The
focusing of light requires calculation, not to mention experience in the field
of optics. However, this very complicated process is carried out flawlessly by
corneal tissue, which came into being in the mother's womb through the sim-
ple splitting of a few cells. Every cornea is angled so as to allow light to enter
directly into the retina. Does the cornea have the intelligence to predict this
angle, or did each cornea cell attain this knowledge individually? One con-
clusion is certain: No calculation this complicated was solved through a se-
ries of coincidences.
Many other details—besides the cornea's shape that focuses light on the
retina, its extraordinary structure providing a clear vision through its fibers,
the conjunctiva and vessels of the lymphatic system feeding it, its early
warning system—are all flawless, synchronized mechanisms that couldn't
have come into existence coincidentally.
The cornea has a most superior design, which can have been created
only by a uniquely superior intelligence, whose Owner is God.
O man! What has deluded you in respect of your Noble Lord? He Who
created you and formed you and proportioned you and assembled
you in whatever way He willed. (Qur'an, 82: 6-8)
Fluids in the Eye
The inside of the eye is divided into three sections. Of the two chambers
toward the front of the eye, the first lies between the back of the cornea and
the iris. The rear chamber, on the other hand, is a small gap between the iris
and the lens. A wide space beyond the eye's center and the lens, often re-
ferred to as the dark chamber, is filled with a clear, colorless fluid known as
the vitreous humor or the "glassy fluid."
This jellylike fluid is enclosed in a sac between the lens and the retina
and holds the retina in place. The back chamber (between the iris and the
lens), and the front chamber (between the iris and the cornea) are also filled
with a watery fluid. Produced by the ciliary body, this fluid feeds both the