Page 39 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 39
(Figure 1.12). The
iris controls the
amount of light en-
tering the eye by
adjusting the size
of the pupil. It con-
tracts in strong
light (a), thus re-
ducing the amount
of light entering
the eye. In dimmer
light, the pupil ex-
pands (b) to allow
more light to enter. a
Thanks to a com-
plex and advanced
system, the
amount of light en-
tering the eye is
calculated and the
pupil size adjusted,
in a tenth of a sec-
ond. Is it really
possible that a col-
lection of atoms
came together co-
incidentally to cre-
ate such a perfect
system? b
in detail, this link can be seen for the miracle it really is.
The measurement of outside light intensity, the immediate relay of sig-
nals to brain, and the brain's consequent adjustment of the iris muscles to
regulate the light entering the eye is a complicated process which is amaz-
ingly conducted in the brain of every person who has ever lived, with the ex-
ception of the congenitally blind. This is nothing short of a miracle, and a
way for us to comprehend our Creator's power and knowledge and realize
His true measure. It is the responsibility of humans to give thanks to God,
Creator of the universe, and also to indulge ourselves in acts which will
please Him. In one verse of the Qur'an, God describes those who ignore His