Page 35 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 35
cornea and the lens, for neither has access to oxygenated blood vessels.
To nourish the components of the eye, this fluid contains a large number
of chemicals and minerals, including salts, sugars and disinfecting sub-
stances drawn from the blood vessels and then mixed into the fluid through
microscopic pumps in the ciliary body.
This fluid, which gives life to the eye, doesn't remain stationary, but is
constantly circulating in a manner similar to the basic flow of water in the
oceans, in which the colder water flows deeply below, while warmer currents
flow closer to the surface.
Along with delivering nutrients and disinfectants, this fluid also expels
waste matter in an exceptionally delicate, microscopic manner. Another of
the fluid's functions is maintaining internal pressure, so as to keep the eyeball
distended and stable.
Pressure within the Eye
The eyeball can be considered to be a sphere with restricted flexibility.
The gelatinous fluid the sphere contains gives it a certain amount of internal
pressure, determined by the quantity of the aqueous humor—which in turn
is produced by the ciliary body. After being secreted, first it flows into the
back chamber, then through the pupil into the front chamber, before being ab-
sorbed by tissues between the back of the cornea and the iris. If the rates of
production and absorption become unbalanced, this can affect the eye's inter-
nal pressure.
When these two rates are equal, however,—that is, when the amounts of
the produced and absorbed aqueous humor are equal, due to the continuous
flow of fluid—the volume of fluid within the eye does not change. But if the
production increases while the flow of absorption is reduced or somehow ob-
structed, pressure within the eye builds.
To recap: This fluid is produced at a discrete quantity, and the same
amount of excess is absorbed. More importantly, this process is constant, on-
going in every human eye.
In this respect, the eye is similar to an aquarium that's filled at one end
while it empties at the other: If the flow of water is blocked, it will overflow.