Page 13 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
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hot and cold wars between East and West, the peoples of communist
and capitalist countries, and even brothers, became one another's en-
Not generally realized, however, is the nature of the ideological
foundation that propelled the 20th century towards such disruption,
chaos, war and conflict, and gave rise to such hatred and enmity. The
groundwork of this ideological foundation was laid by the British
economist Thomas Malthus. This twisted concept, widely accepted
by people far removed from religious moral values, was further
strengthened by another Briton, the sociologist Herbert Spencer, and
disseminated by the theory of evolution put forward by yet another
Englishman, Charles Darwin.
These three figures entirely ignored such religious moral virtues
as cooperation, altruism, protecting the poor and weak, and regard-
ing all human beings as equal. In contrast, they proposed the false-
hood that life is a battlefield, that the oppression and even
extermination of the poor and those races whom they regarded as
“inferior” was justified; that as a result of that pitiless struggle, the
“fittest” would survive and the rest would be eliminated—and that
all this would lead to human “progress.”