Page 14 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 14


                       With his theory of evolution, Darwin sought to apply this
                  philosophy of selfishness to the natural sciences. Ignoring the

                  examples of solidarity and cooperation created by God in na-
                  ture, he maintained that all living things were engaged in a ruth-
                  less struggle for survival. On the basis of no scientific evidence
                  whatsoever, he even claimed that this same ruthlessness applied
                  to human societies. When his theory of evolution was applied to
                  human society, social Darwinism appeared on the scene.
                       Some people suggest that Social Darwinism was born in
                  the second half of the 19th century and lost its influence during
                  the second half of the 20th. But this theory has had far more per-
                  manent and damaging adverse effects. A twisted world view, in
                  complete contradiction to religious moral values, has spread, al-
                  leging that life is a “struggle for survival,” and that people need
                  to compete in order to succeed in that struggle, or at the very
                  least to survive. New lifestyles emerged that were the source of
                  totalitarian and bloody ideologies like communism and fascism,
                  ferocious capitalism that ignores social justice; racism, ethnic
                  conflicts, moral degeneration, and many more disasters that in-
                  flicted catastrophes on humanity.

                       All of a sudden, Social Darwinism imparted an alleged sci-
                  entific validity to existing evils, ruthless policies and practices.
                  Adopting that trend, which lacks any scientific basis whatso-
                  ever, many people failed to live by religious moral values and
                  began to regard ruthlessness, savagery and cruelty as unexcep-
                  tional. They ignored the fact that religious moral values require
                  virtues such as compassion, affection, understanding, self-sacri-
                  fice, solidarity and mutual support between individuals and so-
                  cieties. Perpetrators claimed a scientific foundation to their
                  cruelty, and that therefore, the savagery they inflicted could be
                  regarded as justified. These false claims and suppositions were
                  of course a terrible deception.

                                  The Social Weapon: Darwinism
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