Page 16 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 16


                       In this book, we shall be examining and illuminating two
                  main subjects: First, the dangers of educating young people in the

                  light of Darwinism and of the theory's wide acceptance will be
                  shown to people unaware of, or who ignore, the threat that it
                  poses to societies and individuals.
                       Second, it will respond to those who maintain that Darwin
                  and evolutionists are not in total agreement with Social
                  Darwinists, and will show that every evolutionist who signs up to
                  the theory of evolution is in fact signing up to Social Darwinism as
                       Throughout, we shall be emphasizing that the model pro-
                  posed by the theory of evolution, regarding human beings as a
                  species of animal, is an error based on ruthlessness, lovelessness,
                  selfishness and self-interest. Darwinism seeks to construct a world
                  where humans live and behave like animals. Social Darwinism's
                  teachings and practices make this quite clear. According to its
                  twisted views, it is perfectly acceptable for an elderly, needy per-
                  son to be dragged out of his home and taken away to be killed; or

                  for handicapped people to be rounded up and left to die in con-
                  centration camps. According to this distorted thinking, those in
                  the “inferior” classes can be ruthlessly persecuted, exploited and
                  eliminated. Those who believe that human society can progress
                  only when these savage policies are implemented regard such
                  slaughter, genocide, cruelty and ruthlessness as a kind of success.
                  They maintain that individuals and societies—indeed, entire cul-
                  tures and nations—unable to achieve that success, must be done
                  away with.
                       Without doubt, that is a most perverted and dangerous way
                  of thinking. Perceiving this danger is of the greatest importance
                  for those who oppose the theory and the ideologies based on it.
                  Societal models based on Darwin and Darwinism are models that

                  will lead to the most dreadful catastrophes. On the other hand, the

                                  The Social Weapon: Darwinism
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