Page 100 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 100
muscles by way of the liver. Proteins that serve in the development and
repair of tissues are reduced to the level of amino acids, while carbohy-
drates and fats provide necessary energy in the process of being broken
down chemically. Energy released during this process is used by the
proteins of muscles for the purpose of contraction. These chemical reac-
tions require a high level of oxygen, which is not easy to obtain. In order
to overcome this problem the muscles use their ability to turn glucose in-
to lactic acid without the presence of oxygen; and the requisite energy
emerges during this process.
Only limited quantities of the glucose and oxygen essential to con-
traction are present in the muscles. For that reason, additional quantities
of both substances are carried to the muscular system by means of the
bloodstream. The amount of blood reaching the working muscle is
therefore important. The amount of blood a muscle requires during the
performance of work may rise 10 to 20 times. This increased requirement
raises the heartbeat and causes the blood vessels leading to the heart to
A great many bones have been created to support the body,
and between the bones, joints have been created to let them
move. However, none of these joints possesses the ability to
move on its own. In the same way that no door or window, no
matter how perfect it may be, can open or close without a
force to push or pull it, so no joint can move without a force
behind it. The force that causes the joints to move is
produced by the muscles created by God.