Page 101 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 101

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)                           99

                 The design of muscle cells is very special. These cells’ structure can
            release the energy inside the sugar molecule and use it during contrac-
            tion. Both release of energy from the sugar molecule and the transforma-
            tion of that energy into physical strength are carried out inside the mus-
            cle cell. Energy produced in the muscle cell affects the proteins constitut-
            ing the muscle. As a result of this, the proteins attract one another and
            the cell contracts by shortening. When thousands of cells shorten simul-
            taneously, the entire muscle tissue contracts. The muscles, attached to
            the bones by tendons, move the bones by means of this contraction.
                 The functioning of all the skeletal muscles we use in order to move
            takes place via this same mechanism. When to stretch out, you bend
            your elbow at the desired angle, when to eat you cause your jawbone to
            chew, and when you set your leg muscles in motion to run, behind these
            movements lie the electrical activity of the microscopic cells.
                 In order for a muscle to contract, the electrical signal from the motor
            neurons must pass between the membranes of the muscle cells and the
            nerve cell. As a result of the chemical reaction that takes place with this
            electrical impulse, the proteins actin and myosin in the muscle fiber slide
            over one another, thus shortening the length of that fiber. During this re-
            action, a degree of heat is emitted, and the total heat emitted by all the
            muscles determines our normal body temperature. For that reason, the
            muscles that shiver and tremble in very cold environments are trying to
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