Page 103 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 103
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) 101
trical current passing through the nerves proceeds in a millisecond, or
1/1000 seconds, and sets the muscle fibers in motion.
The commands reaching the muscles are both produced in and
transported by the nervous system. In that way, the muscular system
functions under the command of the nervous system, and the muscles
work harmoniously thanks to this co-ordination in the body.
Muscle cells perform these deliberate actions in a matter of millisec-
onds, without your having to think about them. Since that obedience
cannot belong to the cells themselves, who tells them what to produce,
and when? Whose intelligence and consciousness guide the hormones
and molecules to the correct location? Who tells them they are at the
right place when they arrive, and who directs all these actions? The su-
perior Intelligence manifested in the movement of the muscles belongs
to God, the Creator of the cell and the molecules, Who inspires their be-
Muscle cells can alter their dimensions to a considerable ex-
tent and apply a mechanical force by so doing. With this ca-
pacity, muscle tissue plays a role in movement, a vital fea-
ture of every living thing.
Muscle before
A muscle thickens propor-
tionate to exercise. This Myofibril
increase in mass comes
about through the thick-
ening of the muscle fiber,
which results from an in-
crease in the number of
muscle myofibrils. As a muscle
thickens, so does the
growth after
Spinal cord force it will produce. exercise
Upper arm bone
*Hormone: a special substance formed in a gland and carried to cells elsewhere in the
body to regulate their growth and functioning.