Page 11 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 11
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh)................................................................................16
The Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Life.......................................................................60
The Qur'anic Account of the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh)
Ascent to Allah's Presence..............................................................................114
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Will Come Again...............................................128
The Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Appearance in the Hadith.................................158
The Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming in the Hadiths Literature .......162
Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Return According to the Bible...................................180
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Delivered the Good News of the
Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming to the Muslims................................186
Welcoming the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in the Best Possible Way.................206
Passages From the Gospel and the Torah that Agree with the Qur'an .....218
The Deception of Evolution............................................................................308