Page 13 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 13

rophets and Messengers have been sent
                                      to all nations throughout history to teach
                                    the core concepts of the same religion: to be-
                                 lieve in the one and only Allah, to abandon
                   idolatry, to live and do good deeds only for Allah's good plea-
                   sure, to have faith in Allah and to seek His help alone, and to be
                   virtuous. The principles of faith that they have taught to hu-
                   manity have always been the same, despite some slight differ-
                   ences in practical matters according to place and time. For
                   instance, the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him)1 did not bring a
                   different religion, and the religion revealed to Prophet Moses
                   (pbuh), the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), and Muhammad (may Allah
                   bless him and grant him peace), the last prophet, is the same. (In
                   other words, the Torah sent to Moses and the Gospel sent to the
                   Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as guiding lights for people, have been tampered
                   over time and so are no longer true to their respective original revela-
                   tions. ) In one verse, Allah tells believers not to distinguish be-
                   tween revealed religions:
                       Say: "We believe in Allah and what has been sent down
                       to us; what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac,
                       Jacob, and the Tribes; and what Moses, Jesus, and all
                       the Prophets were given by their Lord. We do not differ-
                       entiate between any of them. We are Muslims submit-
                       ted to Him." (Surah Al 'Imran, 84)
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