Page 17 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 17

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                              15

                tion about the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) great
                struggle after his second coming, provided by
                the renowned Islamic scholar Bediuzzaman
                Said Nursi (1877-1960), is a glad tiding for all
                readers and should increase their excitement
                and lift their morale. All of this, as we said
                previously, shows that the Prophet Jesus'
                (pbuh) creation was miraculous and that his
                life continued to be full of miracles.
                     While reading this book, the reader will
                come to know of his miraculous life, a blessing
                of our Lord, and realize that we live in a very
                special time. One purpose of this work, be-
                sides drawing attention to an important mira-
                cle revealed in the Qur'an, is to say a
                "practical" prayer in the hope of being present
                when the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), a praised
                Messenger who is lauded in the Qur'an many
                times, returns to this world. Given that his sec-
                ond coming will, by Allah's leave,be an extra-
                ordinary, miraculous, and metaphysical event
                that will affect the whole world, all believers
                should prepare and mobilize to welcome him
                in the best possible way. The excitement, love,
                and morale invested in these preparations will
                be an actual prayer, and those who do not pre-
                pare will feel great remorse when he returns.
                All of the signs indicate that the second com-
                ing will take place soon, so there is no time to
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