Page 19 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 19

he Messengers sent to warn and to
                                        give the good news to people faced
                                        many difficulties from the unbeliev-
                                       ers, who wanted to prevent them
                                      from preaching Allah's religion. These
                                     unbelievers also thought that they could
                                  prevent people from following the
                     Messengers' path by means of plots, slander, and persecu-
                     tion. The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) endured everything that all
                     of the other Messengers endured. For example, he was ex-
                     posed to attacks from the idolatrous Roman occupying au-
                     thorities and the dogmatic Jewish religious establishment.
                     He fought against both of these powers, which were hostile
                     to the true religion, although only a very few believers sup-
                     ported him.
                         The Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) miraculous birth, teaching
                     of the true religion, all miracles led some of the people of
                     his time to recognize him as the expected Messiah (pbuh),
                     and they loved him for it. This love for him and his justified
                     criticism of the religious elite led the leaders of the Roman
                     occupation forces and the Jewish religious establishment to
                     conspire against this noble man, and ultimately to attack
                     him. Their attempt on his life was foiled when Allah raised
                     him to His presence.
                         Before we proceed to examine the Prophet Jesus'
                     (pbuh) life and struggle in detail, it would be useful to
                     know what the various sources say about him.
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