Page 23 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 23
At the end of the first century CE, Rome controlled a great part of
western Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. The empire was well
served by a network of roads and harbors, which helped the spread
of Christianity. (Above: The Roman Empire in 117 CE)
tablish Roman superiority. For such reasons, monotheistic Jews
were forced to acknowledge Zeus as godhead, especially at the
time of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who reigned from 175-63 bce.
This led to great conflicts, for religious Jews responded negatively
to such spiritual contamination and resolutely resisted the at-
tempts to Rome's spreading of its idolatrous beliefs.
The Romans chose not to interfere with the Jews' internal af-
fairs, especially their religious affairs, when they saw the Jews' de-
votion to their religion, which was very different from their own
man-made religion. Throughout Roman rule in Palestine, the Jews
were permitted to practice their faith and the Temple, their spiri-
tual center, continued be administered by the Jewish religious
elite. Rome also permitted the Sanhedrin Council, the Jews' high-
est religious priestly tribunal, to continue its activities.