Page 21 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 21

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                     19

                                         The oldest written portion of the
                                         Gospel ever found (125 CE). The
                                         Gospel was written in Greek, which
                                         was spoken in the eastern portion of
                                         the Roman Empire.

                                      about the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as a per-
                                  son, their works contain useful and detailed
                                 information about the era. Finally, archeologi-
                               cal explorations and discoveries will be used to
                           shed light on the era in which the Prophet Jesus lived
                and the events that took place during the time.

                    Palestine at the time of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)

                     During the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) lifetime, the whole
                Mediterranean basin was under Roman rule and thus a domestic
                affair. The Roman Empire was at its peak, militarily as well as cul-
                turally. It had inherited both the ancient and the classical Greek
                civilizations and had built upon them, and architecture and the
                arts were at an advanced level. Not surprisingly, the Romans con-
                sidered themselves superior to all other nations and tried to im-
                pose their way of life on the conquered lands.
                     The Roman religion was a deviant, idolatrous religion. The
                deities of Greek mythology had long been a part of Roman reli-
                gion, albeit under different names. Many idols, symbolized by
                statues, were worshipped, and Jupiter was considered the highest-
                ranking godhead. By the first half of the second century ce, the
                power of the Roman emperors had become so absolute and consol-
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