Page 15 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 15
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 13
Allah reveals the following in another verse:
He has laid down the same religion for you as He enjoined
on Noah, that which We have revealed to you and which
We enjoined upon Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "Establish
the religion and do not make divisions in it." What you call
the idolaters to follow is very hard for them. Allah chooses
for Himself anyone He wills and guides to Himself those
who turn to Him. (Surat ash-Shura, 13)
Our Lord, Who has sent His religion to all nations, has cau-
tioned all of their inhabitants through those He honored by choos-
ing as Prophets. Every human being who has received the call to
the true religion will be held accountable for how he or she re-
sponded to it.
The lives of Allah's chosen Messengers contain many mes-
sages and lessons for all people, especially when we study their en-
counters, their troubles, and their great struggles. The Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) is cited in the Qur'an as an example for people to fol-
low, because of how he conducted his life and his struggle, and be-
cause of his great virtue.
The Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) birth, life, and ascension to Allah's
Presence are all miracles that Allah reveals in the Qur'an in some
detail. Although He reveals the narratives of many Prophets, the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh), whom Allah supported with superior wis-
dom, is set apart from the others in several aspects, among them
that he spoke even in the cradle, and that he was the vehicle for
countless miracles while he was in this world. That his status is dif-
ferent also can be deduced from the fact that he was raised to
Allah's Presence and that the Qur'an indicates strongly his second