Page 135 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 135
Adnan Oktar
The heart pumps blood through the human body
from birth to death. This glorious process that the
heart carries out by using its own electrical system,
cannot be explained by any Darwinist mechanism.
ment, it causes blood to flow through the
body by constantly expanding and contract-
ing. It pumps blood at every moment of our
lives, without our being aware of it, and
beyond our conscious control.
Right side Darwinists never appreciate that
side of of the
the heart the double-layered membrane around the
Systemic heart lets it function comfortably and pro-
tects it against blows. Thanks to the viscous
fluid between these two layers, the heart is
able to expand and contract for a whole life-
Darwinists never realize that not even a
Body single one of the components that make up the
heart can have arisen spontaneously. No matter what
perfect features it may possess, a heart with no circulatory system or
blood to pump will serve no purpose at all. According to their own
Darwinist logic, an organ with no function should disappear, and no
organ like the heart with all its complex features could have ever come
into existence by chance.
Darwinists never recall that the heart requires an electrical im-
pulse in order to contract, that the cells permitting those contractions
will not work without electricity, yet the heart, a mere piece of muscle,
is able to produce the required electricity.
Darwinists never explain how the protein keratin can produce
structures such as hair and nails, with completely different properties,
over the course of a lifetime, without ever making a mistake.