Page 137 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 137
Adnan Oktar
quent Latin terminology, but are still unable to explain how these cells
came together in such an ordered manner.
Darwinists never realize that while various cells in the stom-
ach secrete acids to break down foodstuffs, other cells alongside them
secrete sticky mucus which coats the surface of the stomach, shielding
it against those acids and preventing enzymes from damaging it.
Darwinists never appreciate that the stomach acids, powerful
enough to dissolve a razorblade, could destroy the stomach in a very
short time. For this reason, stomach acids and the mucus to protect the
stomach against them must have co-existed together from the very be-
The empty stomach contains an enzyme known as pepsinogen
which has no digestive properties. But with the arrival of foodstuffs,
stomach cells begin producing hydrochloric acid (HCL), which imme-
diately alters the structure of the pepsinogen in the stomach, convert-
ing it into a very powerful enzyme known as pepsin. This immediately
breaks down the foodstuffs in the stomach. It is totally impossible for a
fluid that is completely harmless when the stomach is empty, but which
turns into a powerful destructive agent when the stomach is full, to
have come into being by chance.
Darwinists never admit that a membrane known as the periton
in the outer tissue of the stomach protects it from friction caused by
rubbing against the intestine as it carries out its digestive functions. The
slippery fluid secreted by this membrane works as a kind of external lu-
bricant for the stomach and intestines, protecting these organs from fric-
tion as they rub against one another.
Darwinists never realize that a group of special cells in one
small part of the small intestine are charged with trapping Vitamin B12.
Throughout the course of our lives, they distinguish between Vitamin
B12 and trillions of other molecules inside the body. They trap the B12
and lets it enter the bloodstream and reach the bone marrow for the
production of blood. How can intestinal cells realize the importance of