Page 142 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 142
Harun Yahya
These buttons made from bone and
dating back to around 10,000 BC
show that the people of the time had
a clothing culture. But Darwinists
refuse to admit that such a superior
culture ever existed.
This necklace, made from stones and
shells and dating back to the Late
Neolithic, shows that such concepts as
art, aesthetics and technology existed
at that time. But Darwinists do not
think about what these findings tell us.
Evolutionists maintain
that in the period between
11,000 and 7,000 BC hu-
man beings had only just
adopted a settled mode of
life and became civilized.
The fact is, however, that
tools from that time prove
the existence of a flawless
culture and civilization.
The evidence for these so-
cieties that made use of
technology for a settled
lifestyle, knew about medi-
cine and art and were
highly civilized totally re-
futes Darwinists’ claims.