Page 136 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 136
Harun Yahya
In maintaining that
collagen, a protein that pro-
duces both smooth elastic
skin and hard, tough bones
came into being by chance,
Darwinists never realize
that this protein occurs in
just those regions where it is
needed, in a literally intelli-
gent manner, producing
skin in some locations and
bone in others.
Darwinists never
realize how the brain,
which they maintain
emerged by chance, func-
tions without interruption,
and with no nerves becom-
ing tangled.
never realize how
atoms, which they
maintain behave in a random manner, come to constitute the tear
Darwinists never stop to wonder how the eyebrows, which
they maintain came into being through unconscious processes, decide
to stop growing after reaching a specific length.
Darwinists never realize how the body, which they maintain
came into being by chance, formed a brain, eyes, a skeletal system and
joints; and cells possessing a nucleus, mitochondria and DNA.
Darwinists may write books about anatomy and employ fre-