Page 159 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 159
Adnan Oktar
Darwinists imagine that Great Britain’s well-known Industrial
Revolution moths are evidence of evolution by way of natural selection.
Yet they never realize that once this tale was proved to be a scientific
fraud, yet another of evolutionists’ supposed proofs lost all credibility.
The central problem resolves around the adaptive value or not of intermediate
stages. For natural selection to work, intermediate steps have to confer greater re-
productive success. Hence, it is legitimate to ask, in a model of selection acting
alone, what use is half a wing? 49
Gabriel Dover, evolutionist professor of Genetics
In claiming that the different organs in living species emerged
gradually, Darwinists maintain that, for example, a reptile’s legs grad-
ually evolved into wings. Yet they never realize that a limb that is half-
foreleg and half-wing will serve no purpose at all. A creature with such
limbs could not survive, and that therefore, such a species would die
out before it could develop any further.
The central problem resolves around the adaptive value or not
of intermediate stages. For natural selection to work, intermediate steps
must confer greater reproductive success. Hence, it is legitimate to ask,
in a model of selection acting alone, what use is a half-developed wing?
Darwinists never consider how outdated the theory of evolu-
tion is, having first been proposed in the technological environment of
the mid-1800s.
In claiming that species evolved from one another, Darwinists
never realize that the fossil record has never produced a single piece of
evidence to confirm this.
In claiming that living species increased in number by evolv-
ing from one another over long periods of time, Darwinists never real-
ize that all the known phyla,—including several others that since be-
came extinct—emerged suddenly and at the same time in the Cambrian
period, before which only the single-celled organisms existed.
Darwinists never admit that once the famous fossil