Page 160 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 160
Harun Yahya
Archaeopteryx is a flying
bird, not an intermediate
form. Darwinists never think
how this 150-million-year-old
bird they tried to portray as
evidence for evolution in
fact, and contrary to all their
claims, refutes it.
Archaeopteryx was recognized as a true bird and that there was no rep-
tile able to be proposed as its ancestor, they were left with no evidence
to support their claim that birds evolved from reptiles.
Darwinian evolution works by the indirect and inefficient mechanism of natural
selection. 50
Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionist paleontologist and author
Darwinists never admit that the fossil record proves that liv-
ing things have remained unchanged for millions of years.
Darwinists never realize that the theory of evolution, a ficti-
tious hypothesis put forward under the 19th century’s primitive un-
derstanding of biology, has never been confirmed by any scientific find-
ings or experiments.
In claiming that Archaeopteryx is a missing link between reptiles and
birds, Darwinists never realize that Archaeopteryx was a bird in every way.
In suggesting that Archaeopteryx was a partly evolved bird,
Darwinists never realize that birds were alive in the same period, and
even earlier.