Page 193 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 193
Adnan Oktar
The theory of evolution is devoid of any scientific foundation and
is unsupported by any proof. Therefore, Darwinists have sought a so-
lution by using false evidence. The history of Darwinism contains
many hoaxes that were later exposed. The most notorious of these are
the Piltdown Man “fossil,” made up of an orangutan jaw added onto a
human skull and for years depicted as an intermediate
form; the Nebraska Man—whose skull and the re-
construction illustrations made from it were
based on a single boar tooth; Ota Benga, the
native African who was placed in a cage and
for years exhibited as another transitional
form, and dinosaur fossils with feathers
added onto them. Evolutionists have
used these false proofs and fantastic tales
to convince people of the myth of evolu-
tion. The way they produce false evidence
to portray a lie as indisputable fact reveals
the Darwinian mindset. These hoaxes also
reveal that evolutionists’ position has been
hopeless ever since the theory was first
proposed. Their very despair has led
them to perpetrate lies and hoaxes.
(Top right) Piltdown Man is one
example of a forgery, produced by
adding an orangutan jaw to a hu-
man skull. (Side) Nebraska Man
was a reconstruction based on a
single molar, subsequently revealed
to belong to a wild pig. These evolu-
tionist hoaxes are highly significant evi-
dence in terms of the pay the evolution lie
is presented.