Page 198 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 198
Harun Yahya
er to adapt to this fictitious struggle and survive as one of the fittest.
Humans, supposedly another species of animal, are under no obligation
to possess such moral attributes as loyalty, devotion, trustworthiness,
conscience, friendship, sacrifice or respect. On the contrary, to survive
they must be as ruthless, unloving and selfish as possible. They must
crush the weak in order to become stronger and, if necessary, must de-
stroy others for their own survival. Moreover, in an environment where
everything is the product of blind chance (which is absolutely not the
case), humans have no need to worry about death, what happens next,
or the Hereafter. Sheltering behind the concept of absolute matter and
avoiding any rational, logical reflection on the Day of Reckoning, they
imagine that they can absolve themselves of all responsibility.
In fact, however, materialism, itself proposed under the primitive
scientific conditions of the 19th century, is an ideology dating back to
ancient Greece, and all of its claims have been disproved. Many fields
of science—including astronomy, physics, chemistry, nuclear physics,
particle physics and biology—have proven that matter is not timeless
and eternal, that the universe was created from nothing, that the deli-
cate balances that sustain it cannot have emerged as the result of blind
coincidences, that nothing develops haphazardly, and that metaphysi-
cal realities lie above and beyond the physical.
Yet rather than consider these scientific realities and analyze the
situation in an unbiased manner, materialists and Darwinists continue
to reiterate the same hollow concepts in a highly superficial way. For
example, though genetics and paleontology have proved the exact op-
posite, they still tell tales regarding man’s supposedly ape-like fore-
bears. They draw “reconstructions” of half-ape, half-human creatures,
describe how these imaginary beings spent their days, and never once
Human beings are entities with souls. Because they bear the spirit of Allah, they
know love, affection, compassion, friendship and devotion. They are not creat-
ed to have no responsibilities, but are tested in this world. They will be held to
account for all they do. But since Darwinists regard man as half-animal they are
reluctant to admit the fact.