Page 194 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 194
Harun Yahya
Darwinists have no qualms about producing false evidence and
taking unfair advantage of the public’s trust in science through the ar-
ticles and books and the exhibitions they hold. The widespread public
expectation that scientists are unbiased maintains the deceptions of the
theory of evolution. In so doing, they count on the fact that few laymen
have any means of investigating, researching and questioning the fos-
sils presented to them. They are unwilling to admit that not one single
fossil supports evolution, that it has proved impossible to produce a
cell even in laboratories equipped with 21st-century technology, and
that life cannot emerge from inanimate matter. And they are equally
unwilling for others to reflect on these facts. They come up with vari-
ous hypotheses to keep others from considering these truths, then
adorn these tales with false evidence and suggest that something that
does not really exist at all has an independent existence.
Another technique is to present accurate data together with evo-
lutionary lies. As they read valid, logical accounts of biological and
medical matters in evolutionist publications, readers also read fictitious
accounts of how anatomical structures came into being spontaneously.
When providing accurate technical information about genetics, for ex-
ample, it is improper to state that this all came about by chance. There
are concrete proofs and observations regarding the technical data sup-
plied, but no evidence that the system emerged through evolution. But
the reader, combining these two separate strands of information, imag-
ines that evolution is a scientific theory that’s been proven in exactly
the same way as genetics. The fact of the matter is very different.
Findings that actually refute Darwinism are depicted by Darwinists as
supporting evolution. This is a deception.
In the 21st century, Darwinists will lose this psychological strug-
gle, and all their deceptions will come to an end. Darwinist ruses have
already begun to lose their influence over the scientific community. A
great change has been taking place over the last 20 to 30 years in par-
ticular, and is also manifesting in the world of science. Scientists in