Page 218 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 218

Harun Yahya

                   Darwinism is made up of one lie on top of another, but that theo-
               ry has completely collapsed. Though it gradually attracted proponents,
               the Darwinist deceit could not remain concealed for long, just like any
               other lies and hoaxes. In our century, the deception of the theory of evo-
               lution has been seen by all. Evolutionists, have made all kinds of claims
               ever since Darwin’s times, and were expected to provide evidence to
               back up their claims. But not one piece of evidence was forthcoming.

               None has still emerged. For a long time now, there have been calls for
               Darwinists to bring forward just one intermediate-form fossil as evi-
               dence for the theory of evolution. But that has never happened and
               never can, because there exists not one intermediate-form fossil that
               could offer evidence of evolution. Darwin himself expressed despair
               when he wondered why, if species had gradually descended from ear-
               lier, there was no sign of countless intermediate forms. His question ap-
               plies just as much to evolutionists today.
                   Almighty Allah has revealed in the Qur’an that deniers will be
               able to provide no proofs against Him:

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