Page 219 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 219

Adnan Oktar

                  Say: “Have you thought about those you call upon apart from Allah?
                  Show me what they have created on the Earth. Or do they have a part-
                  nership in the heavens? Produce a Book for me before this one or a
                  shred of knowledge if you are telling the truth.” (Surat al-Ahqaf, 4)

                  As this verse indicates, Darwinists have no shred of knowledge on
             which to base their theories. Because the claim they made is hollow,
             based on a most superficial logic. Their irrational, illogical formula is:
             Clay + time + blind coincidence = life. Darwinists imagine that so long

             as this formula applies, it will be easy for planets to emerge, along with
             the Sun, the boundless universe, animals, plants that make photosyn-
             thesis, mountains, seas, the atmosphere, micro-organisms, trees, moths,
             whales, flowers, professors, surgeons, biologists, technology, skyscrap-
             ers, airplanes, satellites, human beings who use mathematics to create
             rockets, who feel love and devotion, cities such as Istanbul, London and

             New York and the civilization contained within them.

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