Page 221 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 221
Adnan Oktar
It is enough for there to be a little chemical slime around, for
chance, random and uncontrolled events to occur and for adequate
time to pass. The logical weakness of this belief is manifest, no matter
how adorned with scientific verbiage it may be, no matter how filled
with chemical formulae. Even someone lacking education, unable to
read or write, or a child who has not attained school age, would find
this claim totally ridiculous. Yet this is exactly what all evolutionist
sources would have us believe.
The way that Darwinists are resisting the Fact of Creation stems
from their panic that their deceit should have been unmasked. Yet their
endeavors are all in vain. Allah, Who is worthy of all praise and Lord
of the finest titles, is the Great, Glorious and Omnipotent Creator of all
things. Should He so wish, Almighty Allah is powerful enough to cre-
ate the whole Universe and everything within it in a single moment.
Their reluctance to believe this inflicts a logical collapse on Darwinists,
their arrogance in the face of Allah and their doubts about His
Omnipotence. (Allah is beyond this.)
In one verse, Allah states:
“Were We exhausted by the first creation? Yet they are dubious about
the new creation.” (Surah Qaf, 15)
In the face of the definitive scientific evidence that demolishes
Darwinism, the best thing to do is what the majority has done in recent
times—to accept that Darwinism is a deceit. Few people can remain un-
affected by this important truth, and have no qualms about accepting
the invalidity of Darwinism’s claims, maintained for so long. In the ear-
ly 1980s, for example, around 30 to 40% of the people in Turkey did not
believe in evolution. Yet an international opinion poll conducted in
2006 revealed that 75% of the Turkish people now no longer believe in
According to another poll by the Turkish Economic and Social
Studies Foundation (TESEV), 87.4% of the Turkish public believes that
Allah created man. Just because people have spent many years in error