Page 26 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 26
region of Catalonia, in the northeast of Spain, fought for independence
for many years. At a time when the economy has hit rock bottom and
unemployment has reached 25%, it now wishes to obtain economic
independence from Madrid and wants various legal changes. Catalon-
ian politicians have already given signals of a breakaway by saying, "If
we cannot change the status quo within Spanish law, then we will seek
ways of doing this within local Catalonian law." The 1.5 million people
they have mobilized marched through the streets of Barcelona to
demand independence on September 11th, 2012, shouting "Catalonia, a
new European state."
Writing about this phenomenon in the German magazine Der
Spiegel, Fiona Ehlers, Hans Hoyng, Christoph Schult and Helene Zuber
said, "The debt crisis is strengthening European separatists."
We must not forget that the PKK is a Marxist-Leninist terror orga-
nization that has grown strong through propaganda. Young people
who go to the mountains to join it still undergo several months of ide-
ological education in so-called 'academies'. After signing up to Marx-
ist-Leninist ideology they are then given weapons in order to "build a
Kurdistan based on this ideology." In the event that they obtain any
kind of autonomy in the region, they will clearly impose an oppressive
Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist system on the Kurdish people. The terror
organization dreams of becoming stronger through
receiving material, military and political support
from the central government in the initial stages,
and then plans to alter this autonomy into a fully-
fledged independent communist state of Kurdistan.
24 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan