Page 31 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 31
The founding of the PKK was a plot by the alleged terror
organization Ergenekon
ADNAN OKTAR: Some circles are trying to give the impression that Öcalan is sup-
posedly "the man to save Turkey" because he is supposedly a hero who will save
us from various scourges, terror and anarchy. "The state cannot save you, but
Öcalan will; in other words, he is stronger than the army and the police. He is so
good and so blessed that you really need to appreciate him properly." that is the
kind of impression they are trying to give. And that is a terrible thing.
The man is a stone cold killer. A fanatical killer. He is someone who has caused
the deaths of tens of thousands of our troops and police. I fail to understand why
they say these things. What is their aim? For one thing, our opinion as a nation
about that man will never change. Life imprisonment. He would normally have
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 29