Page 33 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 33
ters is to lay down the abnormal thinking in their heads, and Darwinism and
materialism need to be eradicated for that to happen.
Abdullah Öcalan is a communist, a Marxist and a Stalinist. Neither he nor the
organization will abandon their ideas. If Abdullah Öcalan tries to dismantle the
organization, the organization will destroy him, if they can catch him. And they
will never accept his leadership, or even take him seriously. Tens of thousands
have laid down their lives for communism, and tens of thousands more have
gone to prison to bring communism in. What do you expect him to say? He is
not going to tell them, "You have all been wasting
your time, so break up now and go home."
"Why?" "Because that is how I feel today."
Then we are expected to say; "What a great
man Abdullah Öcalan is. He has saved
Turkey from terror and anarchy."
Some people in the media are seeking to
legalize Abdullah Öcalan. They will first turn
him into a legal, friendly figure and then say;
"Look, this is the man who saved you. Why is
he in prison? Are you not being ungrate-
ful? Did he not save you? You would
have been drowned in blood
without him. He saved you
from anarchy and ter-
ror, so what more do
you want? He is
stronger than the
state. Shelter behind
him! Respect and
value him. Abdullah
Öcalan is a great
man." Who do these
people think they
are kidding? No
child would even fall
for that.
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 31