Page 36 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 36
ADNAN OKTAR: This exactly reflects their real way of thinking. This describes
what they honestly think among themselves. Why should they abandon their
weapons? She says they will just change their types but they will still have
weapons; they will not abandon them. Why should they? The laying down of
arms can only come through ideas.
When the PKK signs up to Islamic Unity, when that fine idea spreads among
them, then Islamic Unity will spread rapidly all around. That will be good for them
and good for the nation.
What will happen when they espouse Islamic Unity? Iran will be theirs from one
end to the other. Jordan will be theirs. Izmir will be theirs. They will be able to
come and go everywhere. They will be able to live everywhere. I am speaking
of our Southeastern brothers. Otherwise, the PKK will just pen them into the
Mardin mountains. You will pen them in to the mountains of Siirt. You will be sur-
rendering them to that cold, harsh climate. They will be penned in. Communists
will come from North Korea, Chinese communists will come, missile batteries will
be installed, advanced weaponry will come in and even old men of 60 will be
placed under arms. They will put our mothers under arms, and a huge commu-
nist army will be established. As a nation, we will never permit such a thing, we
will never let our country be divided. We will not surrender our Southeastern
brothers to communist gangs.
The reason why some Kurds in the Southeast support the
PKK is that they think this is the way to escape the suffer-
ings inflicted by the alleged terror organization Ergenekon.
Yet the freedom and liberation they seek actually lie in
Islamic Unity
ADNAN OKTAR: One characteristic of our people in the Southeast is that they dis-
like pressure. Everyone always wants to be free. Threats are not the only reason
why some people support the PKK, as I said the other day. They may say, "If,
may God forbid, there is a different structure set up, autonomy or a federation,
then there will no longer be anyone looking down their noses at us." In terms of
faith, a great many of them think this, "We will be free to carry out our religious
obligations. We will be able to dress as we wish. The headscarf will be free, and
we will be able to wear turbans if we choose. We will live by Islam as we see fit."
They say, 'We will be able to do business as we wish, without paying taxes." But
most of all, they think, "There will be nobody above us to humiliate us."
34 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan