Page 37 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 37

The reason why our brothers think like that is previous policies. The alleged ter-
             ror organization Ergenekon and those who shared its views constantly humiliat-
             ed our Southeastern brothers, never took them seriously and talked down to
             them. They behaved most contemptuously toward them. They made it clear in
             all ways that they despised and did not want them. They behaved in such a way
             as to claim to be much more clever and superior to them. They also tried to
             emphasize the idea that being Kurdish was a source of embarrassment.

             In other words, they said, "We are Turks, so we are a superior people" but in
             genetic terms, rather than moral ones. Their idea was one of, "We are genetically
             superior to you. We are your lords. They have placed us over you. You must sub-
             mit to your lords." Those dear ones of ours bore that arrogance patiently for
             many years. They were beaten and defamed and sworn at. Some of them were
             ashamed of being Kurds. They were Kurds but would not admit to it. Ask them
             where they were from and they would say, "I am from Ağrı," may God forbid, but
             in an icy tone. As if being a Kurd was one of the worst crimes in the world. Those
             dear ones of ours really felt inferior because of that, from what I have seen, from
             the people I have asked. They say, "I am from the Southeast" but not, "I am Kur-
             dish." I have seen that with my own eyes, may God forbid.

             These vile types devoid of character so oppressed my dear ones that they put
             them in a state of depression. Precautions need to be taken as once to rectify
             this immorality and terrible state of affairs. My brother, you are an ordinary
             human being, a servant of God. If your moral values are defective, then what
             use to you is being Turkish?
             Some people think that Islamic Unity raised its head all of a sudden when things
             were going really well. They imagined that this strong belief in Islamic Unity
             appeared just as they were going to achieve their aims. They panicked. Islam-
             ic Unity emerged as a cause just when they thought that all of Turkey was about
             to be split up, may God forbid, and when they were about to turn the Southeast
             communist. We are now saying, "Turkish-Islamic Union." If Turkish-Islamic Union
             had emerged as a similarly racialist idea, had it been based on the idea of the
             superiority of the Turkish race, then that ideology would have been defeated
             right from the outset, because the whole world can see that this ideology has
             been defeated. Everyone knows that. The world would unite as one against the
             idea of the superiority of the Turkish race; they would crush it. Nobody would go
             along with it. Fortunately, no such claim has been or can be made.

             So all that remains is Islamic Unity. Islamic Unity will be hugely invigorated with

                           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                                35
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