Page 42 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 42
We must consider
Is a federation the an autonomous state in
only solution to the order to be free from
Kurdish problem? terror.
talk of separatism has thus found an artificial foundation. But the fact
is that a sly and dangerous game is being played behind the idea of a
"Kurdish Problem."
This artificial question, referred to as the "Kurdish Problem" and
supported by certain circles, is preparation for the communist, Stalin-
ist and Leninist rule that efforts are being made to establish in the
region. As we all know, communist regimes thrive in a climate of dis-
order and conflict. In order for a communist regime to take over, an
uprising against the rule of the state has first to be initiated and an air
of conflict thus created. Since communism makes conflict, savagery
and terror essential (as we shall be seeing in greater detail in later
chapters), once disorder has been brought about, the appropriate foun-
dations will have been laid for a communist regime. That tactic has
been employed in all countries ruled by communist regimes, such as
the People's Republic of China, Cambodia and North Korea; their peo-
ples have been incited by propaganda techniques, and the savage
40 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan