Page 46 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 46

Living things can never step outside their own genetic informa-
            tion and can never acquire new information not contained in their
            genes either over time or through external effects.

                 • Mutations can never cause progress in a living thing. They
            always injure the organism. They can never, ever add to the genetic
            information of a living thing.

                 • Billions of fossil records should have been discovered to docu-
            ment the fictitious change from one species to another, in other words
            there should be many "transitional forms." But THERE EXISTS NOT
            ONE transitional form fossil anywhere to confirm Darwinists' claims of

            a passage from one species to another.

                                         The fossil record is exceedingly rich and sufficiently
           This fossil garfish is 152        numerous for us to understand the origin of life.
           million years old and has                 When we examine fossils we see that liv-
           never changed.                               ing species emerged independently, in
                                                          a single moment and with all their
                                                           different structures, with no imagi-
                                                           nary evolutionary "transitional
                                                           forms" between them. And this is
                                                          one of the proofs that Almighty
                                                          God creates all living things.

         This fossil gingko leaf is 290 to 248                          A 125-million-
         million years old and identical to                             year-old fossil
         present-day specimens.                                         scorpion.

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