Page 44 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 44
The PKK Is
a Darwınıst, Marxıst,
Stalınıst and Lenınıst
What Kind of Ideology is Darwinism?
Darwinism, or the theory of evolution, espouses the fictitious
claim that life on Earth began by chance and that all the living species
on Earth descended from one another, again by chance – in other
words, that they evolved. According to this claim (a complete decep-
tion in scientific terms), the starting point for all the variety of life on
Earth was a bacterium that formed spontaneously in muddy water and
life forms assumed their present forms by descending from that bac-
terium. Again according to this illogical claim, human beings are also
descended from some species of ape and subsequently became human.
42 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan