Page 45 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 45

According to this facile logic of the theory of evolution, which has lost
           all validity in the face of modern science, in order for a chimpanzee to
           be able to turn into a human being, all it had to do was experiment
           with standing upright a few times, be able to make a bit of use of tools
           and lose its fur because of the heat.

                This is of course pure myth. The theory of evolution is the worst
           scientific fraud in history. Darwinists are unable to account for even a
           single protein possessed by the imaginary first bacterium they regard
           as the origin of life because it is impossible for a single protein to come
           into being by chance. In addition to being definitely impossible, even if

           we assume that life did emerge spontaneously
           in some way, that still changes nothing,
           because it is also impossible for one species to
           turn into another. No life form can ever possess
           new characteristics outside those encoded in its
           own genes. Genetics absolutely refutes that claim.

                To briefly summarize the basic points that cause
               the theory of evolution to collapse in the face of

                           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                                43
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