Page 48 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 48
It is exceedingly difficult to keep a fraud propped up and make
people support it in the face of scientific developments. In order to do
that, they first familiarize people with the logic of evolution through
demagoguery and propaganda. The Darwinist dictatorship is at work
to that end. After taking over states, governments, the media in all
countries, universities, schools and scientists, the Darwinist dictator-
ship then began using them to spread this fraud. People who opposed
evolution were silenced, one-sided instruction in evolutionary theory
was given in schools and a biased pro-evolutionary indoctrination was
carried out in the media. Thus, people were obliged to either believe in
evolution or at least appear to believe in it. In this way, the idea of evo-
lution entered everyone's minds as an indisputable concept.
How Does Darwinism Provide an Intellectual
Basis for Savagery?
What we have seen so far is the essential logic of Darwinism. It is
important that this should be known, because this ideology is respon-
sible for savagery, slaughter, terror, hatred and conflict.
Darwinists regard man as a highly developed species of animal.
Therefore, in the perverse eyes of a Darwinist, human beings are of
equal value to animals. For a Darwinist, a human being possesses the
same value and importance as an animal. To put it another way,
human beings "are of no value or importance" for a Darwinist at all.
46 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan