Page 53 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 53
Under this, a thesis is proposed. There must also be an anti-thesis.
When the thesis and anti-thesis clash, the result is a synthesis of the
two. The synthesis son becomes a new thesis, and a new anti-thesis to
clash with it is produced, and the conflict goes on ad infinitum. There-
fore, according to that belief, societies are places in which there needs
to be intense conflict. This conflict will give rise to "elimination." When
the desired end, the "synthesis," is achieved, fictitious "progress" from
the primitive to the more developed will be brought about.
The fascist and communist dictatorships that emerged in the 20th
century applied this peculiar Darwinist logic to societies word for
word. All fascist and communist dictatorships openly stated that they
drew their ideas from those of Darwin as they imposed their brutal and
ruthless systems of elimination.
Examples of the horror caused by Darwinist
To the side, Red Army prisoners treated like
wild animals by being kept in cages