Page 41 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 41

An artıfıcıal term;

               "The Kurdısh Problem"

                The term "The Kurdish Problem" has been widely used in
           Turkey for many years now. And this term has succeeded in mis-

           leading people for many years; so much so that some people imag-
           ine they are dealing with a problem originating from our Kurdish
           brothers. They have come to believe as fact an artificial grudge
           between Turks and Kurds, as if our Kurdish brothers were traitors
           and not members of the Turkish Republic. The name "Kurdish Prob-
           lem" thus became a propaganda tool.

                Yet the term "The Kurdish Problem" is an utter deception, a
           false phrase intended to foster division between Turks and our Kur-
           dish brothers. With the constant use of the term "Kurdish Problem,"
           the impression has been given that there really is a problem between

           Kurds and Turks and an artificial climate of distrust has ensued. The
           Laz people from the area of the Black Sea, Circassians, Georgians
           and all ethnic groups live in peace and comfort as Turks in Turkish
           territory. They maintain their own traditions, use their own lan-
           guages freely and describe themselves as "Turks." Yet all of a sud-
           den, Kurds have been made to question their "Turkishness." With
           the establishment of an artificial division between Turks and
           Kurds, who have lived together as Turks in the same
           lands for many years, a great many people have

           come to imagine there really is a problem and today's
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