Page 38 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 38

the system of the Mahdi. It will go on the (intellectual) offensive, insha'God,
              because Islamic Unity is a structure supported by 1.5 billion people, and one that
              can achieve very clear results. (January 17th, 2013; A9 TV)

               The PKK is saying, 'If you give us the Southeast' there can
               be a temporary peace and end to the bloodshed

              DİDEM ÜRER: The first of the funerals for the three PKK members sent over from
              France took place in Diyarbakır, with nearly 2,000 people in attendance. Warn-
              ings were issued that trouble could flare up and major security precautions were
              put into place. But for perhaps the first time, a BDP mass activity passed off qui-
              etly with no trouble and no posters of Öcalan being unfurled. This report in the
              papers was interpreted as the BDP and PKK showing their sincere eagerness for
              peace and being on the side of a solution.

              ADNAN OKTAR: They are still saying the same thing. I fail to comprehend the lan-
              guage here. Right from the start they have been saying, "We do not want blood-
              shed, let us resolve the problem peacefully." They do not really say anything,
              they just say this. They have been saying it for 30 years. "Our desire is a very plain
              and simple one," they say. Not the BDP, the PKK. "There is a region there, Mardin,
              Diyarbakır, Siirt, and that region belongs to us. We want to establish a state there,
              by your leave. Do not make things difficult for us. Otherwise there will be blood-
              shed. So do us a favor. Then we will be good and polite and honest and well-
              behaved. We will not wave the flag. We will do whatever you say. But you must
              do this for us," they are saying. And what if we do not? "Then we will bring the roof
              down." They keep saying the same thing. "Peace is a fine thing, we have attained
              peace. Peace." Do we not know what peace is? Peace is in any case a distin-
              guishing feature of Muslims. Who wants war? As though we have said we want
              bloodshed, as if the nation is baying for blood. Then they stand up and go on
              about peace as if they expect us to say, "Great idea. We never thought of that.
              This is the first time it has occurred to us." That is what they are saying, "Let us
              make peace." What did Stalin say? "Hand this region over to us without making
              a fuss." If you do that, Stalin will treat you like a good boy. But if you do not, he
              will bring the roof down on your head. It is the same with the PKK. They say, "We
              would very politely ask you to let Abdullah Öcalan go, and then he can be head
              of state. We want to live as a neighboring state, as a communist state." They say,
              "We really do not see what you could find troubling about that." They keep going
              on about peace, peace, peace: That is what we all want. Nobody wants war.

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