Page 12 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 12
der about how a seed knows how to produce a tree. How does somet-
hing so small know what shape and form the tree it will produce sho-
uld take? This last question is particularly important, because it is not
just a mass of wood that develops from a seed. For example, we know
that apple trees, like thousands of other plant species, grow from little
seeds in the earth. But by some unknown means, after a certain amo-
unt of time, from that seed grows a big tree 4 to 5 meters (13 to 16 feet)
tall weighing hundreds of kilos. The perfect apples on that tree have
polished skins, unique aroma and contain sweet juices. While produ-
cing this tree, whose proportions are gigantic compared to its own, the
only materials this seed has to use are the nutrients it contains at its ini-
tial stage – and after that, just earth and sunlight.
Each seed, like those in this example, produces an extremely well-
organized life form with its own circulatory system and roots for assi-
milation of soil nutrients. Even an intelligent human artist finds it
difficult to draw a good picture of a tree, much less the details of the ro-
ots and branches. But a seed produces a living version of this extre-
mely complex shape, complete with all of its systems.
Though we say the seed “produces,” let’s remind ourselves that