Page 16 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 16
ight? We would never have thought that countless fragrant flowers of
striking shapes and colors – daisies, tulips, azaleas, geraniums, narcis-
si, roses, violets – would arise out of some shriveled dry thing. We wo-
uld never have imagined that so many varieties of fruit – peaches,
coconuts, pears, quinces, mulberries, apricots – would grow on the tre-
es arising from these seeds; or that blackberries, oranges, mandarins,
melons, plums, peppers and tomatoes would form from these little
black, brown and yellow objects.
And so, it’s worth thinking about that for millions of years, all the
characteristics related to plants have been contained in seeds. When
you think about this knowledge, it opens unexpected horizons that
change the perspective of many events. To consider this subject more
closely, begin thinking about
the things closest to hand, the
vegetables, flowers and fruit in
your house.
What knowledge is requ-
ired for a seed to become a wa-
termelon? Hold a slice of
watermelon in your hand, and
its regular order is very evi-
dent. All the knowledge that
creates the taste, fragrance and