Page 19 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 19
The Secret in the Seed
prevents the leaves from being shed or the plant from wilting. And
moreover, most coniferous trees have needle-shaped leaves that are re-
sistant to frost.
Every spring, these plants gather more energy when new leaves
unfurl. The resilience of the leaves is important for these plants, inas-
much as they store nutrients by photosynthesis whenever weather
conditions permit. Non-deciduous trees are usually conical in shape,
which prevents their branches from breaking under too much accumu-
lation of snow. What snow does settle on them insulates the tree from
sub-zero cold and prevents water loss by reducing loss of moisture
from the leaves. 1
For plants living in
the desert, drought is
one of the greatest dan-
gers. Negative factors
such as sporadic rainfall,
sand storms and intense
heat would normally
mean extinction for de-
sert plants. But species
living in arid climates
enjoy special features
that enable them to
withstand their environ-
ment. Their seeds’ struc-
ture and method of
Every species of tree
has different struc-
tural features. All the
information relating to
these features is
stored in its seeds.