Page 23 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 23
The Secret in the Seed
Who causes plants to grow from seeds, a truth made known in the fol-
lowing verses of the Qur’an:
Have you thought about what you cultivate? Is it you who make it
germinate or are We the Germinator? If We wished We could have
made it broken stubble. You would then be left devoid of crops,
distraught. (Qur’an, 56:63-65)
Another verse explains that God, the Creator of the seed, causes
the seed that falls to the ground to split open and a new plant to grow:
God is He Who splits the seed and kernel. He brings forth the li-
ving from the dead, and produces the dead out of the living. That is
God, so how are you perverted? (Qur’an, 6:95)
The truth is evident, but there have always been people who fail
to comprehend it. Those who deny the existence of God are disinclined
to see the miracle of creation and still try to use coincidence to explain
the existence of seeds. But try as they will, the result remains the same.
On examining the perfect structure of the seed and the extraordinary
knowledge contained within it, everyone of reason and conscience will
comprehend that it could not have come into existence through coinci-
dence, and bear witness to the fact of creation. As you’ll see later in this
book, the creation of the seed and the information it contains are too
magnificent for them to have come into being of their own accord.