Page 13 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 13


              the seed lacks any independent mind, consciousness or will. Thus it’s
              not plausible to claim that it is the seeds themselves that produce trees
              and plants with such striking systems. Such a claim would imply that
              the seed is extremely knowledgeable, more intelligent even than a hu-
              man being.
                   As evidenced throughout this book, the explanation is that within
              the seed is concealed a superior intelligence and comprehensive know-
              ledge that, of course, do not belong to the seed itself. It cannot be cla-
              imed that the atoms and molecules of the materials that make up the
              seed are intelligent and knowledgeable, so this knowledge must be in-
              serted into the seed somehow. But who inserted it?
                   When thinking through these steps, one arrives at some very im-
              portant truths. The seed, dry and seemingly lifeless, is capable of doing
              nothing of its own accord. This knowledge has been implanted in se-
              eds by a far greater unrivalled power, Who is God. God creates seeds
              with the knowledge and system to develop into plants. Each seed cast
              on the ground is enveloped in God’s knowledge, with which it germi-
              nates and grows.
                   The keys of the unseen are in His possession. No one knows them
                   but Him. He knows everything in the land and sea. No leaf falls
                   without His knowing it. There is no seed in the darkness of the
                   earth, and nothing moist or dry which is not in a clear book.
                   (Qur’an, 6:59)
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