Page 43 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 43
Signs of Creation in the Seed
the disadvantage of an exceptionally thick coat is that the embryo has
problems breaking out of the seed.
Moreover, close examination reveals that seeds distributed by
animals have coats thin and easy enough to pierce for the animals to ta-
ke an interest in their contents. But at the same time, the structure of
the coats covering these seeds makes them unattractive to all seed-ea-
ters. 14
From the explanations given so far, it is evident that seeds, which
appear to be so simple, are actually structured in great detail. Their
characteristics, from the proportions of the materials they contain to
their content and protective outer layers, all vary according to environ-
mental conditions. But how did this variety and detail come into be-
When we look in books propounding evolutionary theory to ans-
wer such questions as “How?” and “Why?”, we find that evolutionists
prefer to use obscure expressions and deceptive methods. Abook entit-
led Evolution has this to say on the subject of seeds and fruits:
The outer casing of a seed is strong enough to withstand the molar te-
eth and intestinal acids and enzymes of various animals, and an at-
mosphere lacking in oxygen. Moreover, this seed casing has been
evolutionarily designed so as to protect the embryo until the conditi-
ons for germination are suitable from factors causing it to germinate
at the wrong time and seed-eating animals. 15
You'll note that having enumerated some of the remarkable featu-
res of seeds, the use of the expression "evolutionarily designed" tries to
give the impression that they came into being through evolution. But
the paragraph above by no means explains how seeds came into exis-
tence, because it merely mentions the perfection in their creation. The
phrase “evolutionarily designed” actually has no meaning at all.
Moreover, this expression is untenable in itself, because the con-
cepts of “evolution” and “design” are diametrically opposed. It’s uni-
maginable that the process of evolution could produce a design, for